How to Create a Media Relations System

How to Create a Media Relations System

How to Create a Media Relations System By Maverick Steffen | Daily Marketing Advice There are so many ways to get into the media on a weekly basis. So as long as you have a little time and energy to devote to getting this media attention - and driving some major...
How to Immediately Build a Political Following

How to Immediately Build a Political Following

How to Immediately Build a Political Following By Maverick Steffen | Daily Marketing Advice I've consulted several new politicians all over the country, and their 2 biggest problems are: They don't have adequate funding They don't have adequate support Funding is of...
How to Create and Promote a Charity Event

How to Create and Promote a Charity Event

How to Create and Promote a Charity Event By Maverick Steffen | Daily Marketing Advice If making a salad is easy, creating and promoting a charitable event is even easier. Let's go through the numbers: 1) What comes first, the event or the charity? For my first event,...