Guide to Your New SEO Strategy
The goal of Search Engine Optimization is to ensure people find your website when looking for the stuff that you sell online.
That's it, and nothing more.
Billions of words have been written about SEO, but the practice is so basic, that I'm not sure how useful most of it is.
So, today I'm going to teach you exactly what you need to do to rank at the top of search engines. As you'll see, it's not a very mystical process.
1) What do Your Customers WANT
That sounds so basic, and yet, I'd say 99% of business websites on the internet don't give their customers what they want.
Now, obviously companies list their products, their "ABOUT" page (funny how long and detailed these pages are, while others aren't), blogs postings, perhaps some FAQs and that's it.
That may be enough to get a customer to buy your stuff, but it's not going to be enough to rank at the top of Google.
In order to rank at the top of Google, your website MUST:
- Be likable: You should be using contemporary designs that compliment your industry, as well as images of your, your staff and your facilities (buildings, trucks, tools, etc.)
- Address their curiosity: You must answer every question or concern your visitor has.
- Gain their trust: Provide customer reviews on every product and service you provide, as well as some testimonials about the company itself. For example, many fencing companies just get testimonials for their company. However, every page containing fences should have big smiling reviews about the fence, installation and overall happiness with every aspect of the project. The norm should be 3-5 reviews per product.
2) Be a Thought Leader
Be honest: Is your website a reliable resource for everything going on in your industry, and how it pertains to your customers?
If not, you frankly you don't deserve to rank at the top of Google.
I know you guys are in court, on the road, laying pipeline, building pallets, watching kids and basically working very hard, but you must find the time to author content about your industry, or get somebody to do it for you.
You MUST distinguish your company as a thought leader in your industry by frequently contributing useful advice to your market regarding your industry in ALL forms of media (written, audio and video).
For example, I have a monthly podcast, weekly newsletter, daily advice column and several other monthly articles I write like clockwork. They not only get my site ranked at the top of Google, they also drive higher conversions than my competition because this consistency builds trust in my target market.
3) What Does Google Want?
You have to understand that Google wants to show users of their search engine the most useful, relevant, up-to-date and popular content on the web.
Google didn't get this popular by allowing websites with crappy designs and poor content to the top of their search engines.
Instead, they want LEADERSHIP. So, does your website demonstrate you are the LEADER in your field within your geographical scope?
Not many do, and that's why they don't rank at the top of search engines.
4) All the Other Stuff
Yes, sharing your content on Social Media, driving external links to your site, guest blogging and all the other wonderful things people to tell you to do are useful.
However, Google's parent company, Alphabet, Inc., is inventing one of the first totally driver-less cars.... do you really think your B.S can fool them?
They know when a site is superior and when it isn't. They're like the Santa Clause of the internet, and know when you've been useful or not.
That is why all of your efforts must start on your website. Eventually, people will find it, share your content, and yes, you'll begin ranking at the top of search engines for people looking for your stuff.

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