How to Produce a Radio Advertisement
Today we produced a beautiful piece of artwork in the form a radio advertisement for a client of ours in Anaheim, CA.
Although, it dawned on me that a lot of small business owners may not have any idea of how to complete this process, so I figured today I would write a blog about producing a radio advertisement.
Producing a radio advertisement is not a difficult procedure. Let's go through the numbers:
Step 1: Research which radio station you would like to use
We have a 58 point plan for this, but you can start with the basics: demographics, geographical radius, budget, marketing scope and timing.
Step 2: Contact the radio station
This is largely going to be depend on your market research, and budget. Have them send you their media kit, as well as time slots and prices.
Step 3: Begin negotiating the price
Radio is not Walmart in that prices are not final. They will work with you if you have a particular budget in mind.
Step 4: Produce a radio script ("copy") for them
This should be sent to them on a PDF, and should be structured like any script. Ensure you specify where the music or sound effects should be within the lines the voice-over will read, and use "..." to indicate when you want them to pause. Ensure all non-English speaking words have the phonetics listed below, as well as your contact information in case they need you to sound something out. Also, if it is a timed ad, have somebody time you as your read the entire script.
Step 5: Send the radio rep your script and they will produce your ad
Once they complete your ad and send it to you, you will have to approve of it and give them your payment information so you can be billed when the first ad is run. You should not be billed until this point.
That's about it. The script you write and the radio station you utilize are critical to your marketing efforts. If you need help developing a professional script that will help you generate as many sales as possible, contact us right away. Good luck to you, and just remember that we are here for all of your marketing needs.

At The Marketing Agency, we masterfully design a personalized marketing system that's guaranteed to bring new customers to your business.