Retail 15% More Sales NOW
If you are running a retail business, here is a quick and easily implementable sales tactic you need to be using to increase your sales by at least 15%, right now.
Let's get started:
When somebody enters your store, do your employees ask the generic: "Hi, how can I help you?" This sound has been muttered over 10 Ka-Zillion times in the history of retail, and the answer is always an enthusiastic, "No, just looking." The bottom line is that exchange of words is doing nothing for your business. I'm sure your employees feel assured that they politely greeted and assessed any need the shopper may have. The prospective customer feels good because they politely responded to the store employee while making no promises.
The problem is the shopper does need help, and the employee is not assessing the needs of the shopper.
Here is your move to increase your sales.
Have your staff say, "Hi, have you visited our store before?" Have them wait for a response.
- If the shopper says "yes", than have your employee say, "welcome, let me show you a brand new program we are currently having for new customers..."
- If the shopper says "no", than have your employee say, "welcome back, let me show you a brand new program we are currently having for return customers..."
Now you need to develop a program for new and returning customers. Take that sale you ran a few weeks ago and run it with this new campaign. Or just create a new one. Just ensure you are recording the proper metrics with regard to:
- How many people visit you store each day
- How many people you were able to use this tactic on each day
- How many people you were not able to use this tactic on each day
- The amount of shoppers you were able to, and not able to, convert to sales from #'s 2 and 3
Naturally you need to put the pencil-to-the-books to ensure that your program is justifying its investment. When you realize you've easily added 15% to your margin, ensure everyone on your staff is using this greeting on a consistent basis.

At The Marketing Agency, we masterfully design a personalized marketing system that's guaranteed to bring new customers to your business.